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One day retreat

Our one-day retreat is for individuals who cannot commit to a weekend retreat. You will still receive the same techniques that were used during our healing weekend. It's all squeezed into one day. You'll come at 10.30 a.m., have a chat, and have a cup of tea or coffee. Sessions will begin at 11 a.m. and last for a few hours. We pause for lunch, which is included in the price of your day.

You will begin your next session at 2 p.m. and end around 4.30 p.m. It's a full day, and you'll walk away with the same set of skills as those who attend the weekend retreat. You also receive the same aftercare package.

Before you depart, Carl will conduct a brief, effective hypnosis session to instil positive thoughts and new beliefs in you!

Even just one day with us can make you happier and more hopeful about life.

Tapping technique
Therapy at The Manse Retreat
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